Friday, July 23, 2010

Buck'in hay pics

Here are just a couple pics out of the many I got from the bucking hay. =)

Laetitia in the pink and I'm in yellow.


boy don't I look serious!!!! (you don't wanna know who I was talking too.. =) jk

Spencer on top of the truck, Andrew my bro is in red, and Weston is in white.

My Bro Aaron

Aaron and his tedder


Spencer =).

Andrew (he was talk'ing to Weston, but I decided to crop Weston out!! lol ) =)




AnnaKlacik said...

Fun,fun,fun!! You are very cute would not want to see me. lol!!

Sarah said...

sweet pics! haha that one pic, it looks like you're going to toss that hay bale on someone.

Alaina K. said...

Anna: Awww,thanks. =) Love you =)

Sarah: Haha, yea, i was throwing it at David! lol