Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Couple Vacation Pics

Hey Everyone!!!!!!!!

So sorry it took me so long to get these up!!! Here are some pictures from our trip! =)

This was at the rain forest we went to. It was pretty cool!!!
This was Rialto (sp) beach! Simply AMAZING!!! I just stood there for a minute and took it all in! It was stunning!!!

The waves were amazing!!!!!!!!

I don't remember what this place is called, but it was beautiful!

I don't remember what this beach was called. But we did go swimming in it (or more like wading! lol!) it was maybe 40 or under!!! So we didn't stay in to long! lol

Stephen was all ready to go in!! lol

Stephen, and Maleah., Aren't they just adorable?!?!?! =)

Laetitia and Emily

The lighthouse was really cool!

A family pic!!! Laetitia, (is our French intern) me, Emily, Dad, Aaron, Andrew, Maleah, Mom, Stephen, and Maddy.

These island were so pretty, they reminded me of a fairy tale or something!

TRAFFIC!!! While we were waiting in line for the ferry! =)

Leaves of some sort!

I don't know why I like this picture! But I fell in love with it!! I guess I just like how Micah is a little blurry, but Andrew is clear, and how they are bloth wearing black! And no they aren't grumpy!! lol =)

ME!!!! =P

I love these pics!

America, America..... Oh Canada, Oh Canada.....

Random pics

Hey Everyone!!!!!!

I just got back from a 4 day family vacation. I have sooooooooooooooo many pics to post!!!! Lol First I'm gunna post a couple pics that I took before our vacation. =) And then hopefully I will have pics from our vacation up soon. =)

Maleah my little sis! =)

My beautiful mom

This is Clay, one of Stephen's friends, he is one of the most adorable little boy ever! =)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Old Fashioned Farm Day

We had a Farm Festival Saturday. Here are a couple pics.

Catherine and Marty

Water Ballon Toss

If you were taller than the hey maze you had to go through it blindfolded. =)

The threshing machine

Scott drove the tractor for a while!

Pick'in potatoes

Oat stocks.

Will with one of his best friends =P

Oat stocks


Mom and Joanna

Kyna, as she is going through the hay maze blindfolded. =P

Friday, August 6, 2010

Planned Parenthood

we Went to Planned Parenthood the other day, to pray for an end to abortion. here are some pictures Kelli, Shelby, Tiffany, Maddy, me, Quinn and Emily
Sarah and Maddy

Stephanie and Tiffany

Me, Tiffany, and Sarah

Kelli, Natasha, Me, Maddy, and Stephanie