Thursday, November 18, 2010

OK...I know....

So I'll admit to you all that I HATE the dark, lets just say I'm scared of the dark! I get scared if anything moves, if any one says boo and they are right next to yea its pretty bad. =) So Tuesday night we needed more fire wood on the back porch. My brother Aaron hurt his foot so he was out...and Andrew (is also really scared of the dark) was busy, much to his delight...=) So I decided to be the brave sister....right! It didn't work out so well....first of all it was 50mph winds so everything is swaying back and forth and it all looks creepy and sounds creepy, second...its POURING outside, yes it was pouring down rain, and last, but not least its was really dark! So back to where I was so I put on my rain coat and put on my boots and off I go to the wood wasn't more than a couple seconds before I was inside again..I didn't know where the wheel borrow was...Dad just said he didn't know where it was and I would have to find it. Great, so here it is dark, cold, windy and raining and I have to find something. So I'm looking around I honestly can't find the wheel borrow..and I'm really tense, I was afraid and nervous, I was afraid something would jump out at me or something....then here comes my older sis not afraid of the dark or anything. So she finds the wheel borrow for me. (That made me really happy!) So far so I'm walking toward the wood pile...and hear this rustling coming from inside the dumpster (its is a small dumpster) and I scream...and then I stop screaming and decide to investigate....and I'm walking closer and closer to the dumpster and nothing is really happening except this rustling sounds and I'm now really close...and then all the sudden Whoosh..a dog jumps out of the dumpster and I FREAK out, I mean literally FREAK OUT! I'm screaming and about ready to run into the house and hide on my bed... (well, maybe not) And my sister is laughing so hard I bet ya she was crying! Well, all is well now we got wood on the back

I hope this makes you its your turn to turn around and make some else smile....share the joy of this world with everyone around you....
God Bless....

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Hehe... that definitely made me smile. :)